Umbrella Tree
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Umbrella Tree

The umbrella tree, scientifically known as Schefflera, is a popular houseplant characterised by its large, glossy, and umbrella-shaped leaves. Native to tropical regions, it thrives in indoor environments and can grow up to 8 feet tall. The umbrella tree is valued for its attractive foliage, which consists of multiple leaflets radiating from a central stalk. It is relatively low-maintenance and adapts well to different light conditions, although it prefers bright, indirect light. Regular watering and well-draining soil are essential to prevent waterlogged roots. With its impressive size and lush green foliage, the umbrella tree adds a touch of tropical beauty to any interior space, making it a favourite choice among plant enthusiasts.

Product Price
Rs.350 Rs.350/Piece

The umbrella plant is characterised by its large, glossy, and palmate leaves. The leaves are composed of multiple leaflets that radiate from a central stalk, resembling an umbrella or a hand with outstretched fingers. The leaflets are typically dark green, but there are also variegated varieties with patterns of yellow or cream.In its natural habitat, the umbrella plant can grow to impressive heights of up to 8 feet (2.4 meters) or more. When grown as a houseplant, it usually reaches a more manageable size of around 3 to 6 feet (0.9 to 1.8 meters). The plant has an upright growth habit with a central stem and branches that gracefully arch outwards.

The umbrella plant prefers bright, indirect light. It can tolerate some direct sunlight, especially in the morning or evening, but prolonged exposure to intense sunlight may scorch the leaves. Placing the plant near a window with filtered or indirect light is ideal.The umbrella plant thrives in typical indoor temperatures between 60-75°F (15-24°C). It prefers moderate to high humidity levels but can tolerate average indoor humidity. To increase humidity, you can place the plant on a tray filled with water or use a humidifier.

It's important to note that the umbrella plant is toxic to pets if ingested. Keep it out of reach of cats, dogs, and other animals that may be prone to nibbling on plants.The umbrella plant's large, glossy leaves, graceful growth habit, and tropical aesthetic make it a popular choice for indoor plant enthusiasts. With proper care and attention to its light, water, and humidity needs, the umbrella plant can thrive and bring a touch of green beauty to any interior space.

The umbrella plant

  1. Large, glossy leaves: The umbrella plant has impressive, palmate leaves with a glossy surface.
  1. Umbrella-like shape: The leaves radiate from a central stalk, resembling an umbrella or a hand with outstretched fingers
  1. Variegated varieties available: Some umbrella plant varieties display beautiful patterns of yellow or cream on their leaves.
  1. Upright growth habit: The plant has an upright growth habit with branches that gracefully arch outwards.
  2. Prefers bright, indirect light: The umbrella plant thrives in well-lit areas with filtered or indirect sunlight.
  1. Moderate watering needs: It requires regular watering, allowing the top inch of soil to slightly dry between waterings.
  1. Well-draining soil: The umbrella plant thrives in well-draining soil that allows excess water to escape easily.
  1. Air-purifying qualities: The umbrella plant is known for its ability to purify the air by removing toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene.
  1. Toxic to pets: The plant is toxic to pets if ingested, so caution should be taken to keep it out of their reach.
  1. Indoor size: As a houseplant, it typically reaches a size of 3 to 6 feet (0.9 to 1.8 meters), making it suitable for various indoor space.

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