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Petunias are popular flowering plants known for their vibrant colours and prolific blooms. These annuals come in a wide variety of shades, including pink, purple, red, white, and many more. They are characterised by their trumpet-shaped flowers that add beauty and charm to gardens, borders, and containers. Petunias thrive in full sun and well-draining soil. They are relatively easy to grow and require regular watering to keep the soil moist. Deadheading spent blooms promotes continuous flowering. With their compact growth habit, petunias are excellent for adding splashes of color to landscapes and attracting pollinators such as bees and butterflies. Whether cascading from hanging baskets or planted in beds, petunias bring joy and vibrancy to outdoor spaces throughout the summer season.

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Rs.99 Rs.90/Piece

Petunias are versatile flowering plants that bring natural beauty and enhance garden decor with their vibrant colours and prolific blooms.Petunias come in a wide range of varieties, including grandiflora, multiflora, and wave petunias. They offer an array of colours, such as pink, purple, red, white, blue, and bi-coloured options. This diversity allows for endless possibilities in garden design and color schemes.Petunias are typically grown as annuals, meaning they complete their life cycle within a single growing season. However, some varieties may exhibit perennial tendencies in warmer climates. Being annuals, they offer the opportunity to change and experiment with different petunia varieties each year.

Petunias have a compact growth habit, making them suitable for various garden spaces. They can be grown in beds, borders, hanging baskets, containers, and window boxes. Their trailing varieties are particularly popular for cascading down from hanging baskets and spilling over the edges of containers.Petunias thrive in full sun, requiring at least six hours of direct sunlight per day for optimal growth and blooming. They prefer well-draining soil with good organic content. Amending the soil with compost or organic matter can enhance its fertility and moisture retention.

Petunias' colourful and fragrant flowers attract pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Their presence in the garden promotes pollination and biodiversity.Petunias serve as excellent garden decor elements, adding vibrant pops of color and texture to outdoor spaces. They can be used to create borders, fill gaps in flower beds, adorn patio containers, and create hanging displays. Their versatility allows for various design possibilities and can be combined with other annuals, perennials, or foliage plants to create visually striking compositions.

Petunias are popular choices for summer and early fall displays. Their robust blooms and vigorous growth make them ideal for brightening up gardens during the warm months. They can be used to create thematic displays or to complement specific color schemes.

Petunias possess several distinctive features that make them popular among gardeners and flower enthusiasts. 

Vibrant Colours: Petunias are known for their wide range of vibrant colours, including shades of pink, purple, red, white, yellow, and bi-coloured options. This diverse color palette allows for endless possibilities in garden design and allows petunias to create eye-catching displays.

Prolific Blooms: Petunias are prolific bloomers, producing numerous trumpet-shaped flowers throughout the growing season. Their flowers cover the plants in a profusion of color, creating a stunning visual impact in the garden.

Fragrance: Certain petunia varieties, such as the old-fashioned or heirloom varieties, emit a pleasant fragrance. These scented petunias can add an additional sensory dimension to the garden.

Versatility: Petunias are versatile plants that can be used in various garden settings. They work well in borders, flower beds, window boxes, hanging baskets, and containers. Their colourful blooms and trailing habits make them particularly useful for creating stunning displays and adding vertical interest.

Pollinator Attractant: Petunias, especially those with bright, nectar-rich flowers, attract pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. They contribute to pollination and help support a healthy ecosystem in the garden.

Long-Lasting Blooms: Petunias have flowers that can last for an extended period, providing ongoing beauty throughout the growing season. With proper care and deadheading, petunias can continue blooming from spring to fall.

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