Rose - Bengaluru
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Rose - Bengaluru

Red roses are the subject of a lot of myths and folklore. According to legend, Adonis and Venus, the goddess, were in love. There was once a plot to assassinate Adonis. When Venus heard that, she sped over to warn him while cutting her feet on some white rose thorns. And when her blood touched the white roses, they turned crimson. According to another legend, Aphrodite and Adonis were involved, and Adonis was indeed slain. When his blood dropped to the ground, red flowers appeared. These myths are to blame for the flower's associations with love and desire, along with its seductive scent and breathtaking beauty. You should be aware of the various ways to make your gift-giving more significant.

Product Price
Rs.120 Rs.180/Piece

The all-time favorite among local and foreign buyers is the ruby-red rose cultivar called Taj Mahal. Yet, other brands like Noblesse (pink), Awallence (white and peach), and Gold Strike (yellow) came in second.

Red Rose

A red rose is typically presented as a gift to a love interest as a representation of a married or romantic relationship. When there are no romantic emotions present and the gifter wants to show their friendship, a white rose is given. White is typically associated with innocence and purity, while red is typically associated with desire.

The colour red is synonymous with passion. Red roses must come to mind when you think of any romantic event, right? Red roses represent everything that has ever been connected to love, desire, and romance. Actually, the legends connected to the Greek and Roman civilizations—which we've covered below—are where the crimson rose meaning originates. various rose colours have various meanings and are used to convey a variety of emotions. sending scarlet

Red Rose

 red rose is known for its bright, flame-red colour, which does not fade at all during the flowering period.
Flower size: 10 – 12 cm
Length: 50 – 90 cm
Vase life: 10 – 12 days

All rose varieties thrive in full sun and organically rich, wet soil that is well drained. Roses favour a little bit of acidic earth. (6-7 pH).

Shrub roses are intended for nationwide cultivation, particularly in climates where other rose varieties might not be as hardy.

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