Spray carnations is also known as mini carnations, are delightful and versatile flowering plants that belong to the Dianthus family. They are a smaller variety of the traditional carnation and are renowned for their abundant blooms and long vase life.With their profusion of blooms, vibrant colours, and ruffled petals, these versatile flowers offer endless possibilities for creative expression. Whether adorning a vase, bouquet, or centrepiece, spray carnations add charm and sophistication to any setting, making them a favourite among florists and flower enthusiasts.
Spray carnations, also known as mini carnations, are delightful and versatile flowering plants that belong to the Dianthus family. They are a smaller variety of the traditional carnation and are renowned for their abundant blooms and long vase life. Spray carnations offer several unique features that make them a popular choice for floral arrangements and bouquets.
Each stem of a spray carnation bears multiple small flowers, creating a cluster or "spray" effect. These compact and densely-packed blooms give the impression of a larger, fuller flowerhead, adding a sense of abundance and lushness to floral displays.
Spray carnations come in a wide range of colours, including shades of pink, red, white, yellow, and lavender. They are also available in bi-colour and variegated varieties, allowing for endless creative possibilities in floral arrangements. The petals of spray carnations are ruffled and have a delicate, fringed appearance.
Spray carnations have long vase life. These flowers have excellent durability and can last for several weeks when properly cared for. Their ability to maintain their freshness and beauty makes them a popular choice for floral arrangements that need to stay vibrant for an extended period.Whether adorning a vase, bouquet, or centrepiece, spray carnations add charm and sophistication to any setting, making them a favourite among florists and flower enthusiasts.
1.Always cut the stems before placing in water
2. Cut back or remove the extra leaves
3. Choose the right size vase or container
4.Change the water every two days.
5. Remove dying flowers.
6. Place your arrangement in the shady and cool area.
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